Costa Farms
Alocasia Silver Dragon in growers pot
Alocasia Silver Dragon in growers pot
A stunning and easy-care hybrid elephant’s ear, Silver Dragon shows off intense metallic silver foliage accented with dark green veins. An outstanding elephant’s ear (Alocasia) from Borneo. Unlike many other elephant’s ear varieties, Silver Dragon stays small, making it ideal for well-lit desks and tabletops. Keep it happy by giving it warm, bright (preferably within 3 feet of a large, unobstructed east- or west-facing window) conditions with average to above-average relative humidity.
- Slow-growing, easy-care houseplant with stunning pattered leaves.
- Perfect pairing for Begonia maculata, Xanthosoma, and other trendy houseplants.
- Can grow 2 feet tall
Light Level: Indirect Sunlight
This plant needs to live in a room with at least some natural light. Place it on a table or countertop with windows nearby.
Water Level: Thirsty
This plant can only go 1-2 weeks without water so check on it weekly and add water every time the top two inches of soil dry out.
Quick Tips
Avoid overwatering. Silver Dragon is susceptible to root rot if it stays too wet, especially in low-light environments.